Monday, November 26, 2012

Day 125: Hey, meet Will!

Yes, I am busy at work to make-up for my playing yesterday.

Still working feverishly to be ready for this local sale.
But I had to do my breakfast dishes, and then I saw ...
my neighbor Will!

It was his nifty fluorescent crocs that first caught my eye. 
He picked them out himself!

The next thing I noticed was Will's focus.
He has a real intensity on Monday and Friday mornings.

You can tell something is up ...

yet he is quiet and patient ...

uncommon, I think, for a healthy happy two year old.

And there it is, the center of Will's world 
each Monday and Friday.
And have you ever noticed how kind these drivers 
are to their young admirers? I have.

You have to take special care of young admirers.

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