Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 219: Local gem?

Yesterday, on errands, I passed ...

a truly unique, tiny, vacant commercial building.
I've passed it a hundred times, but this day, I stopped.

305 S. Main Street, Orange.
On the corner of Palmyra ...
a misfit or a jewel ...
depending on your view.

I parked, and walked to take pictures.

It is for sale, and has been for some time.

So small. Maybe 9' x12' total, tops!

You can look right through.

No bathroom or closet, just a checkered floor.

Looking up to a high window and droopy lights.

I am drawn to the brave slope of the roof ...

 and the lonely string of lights.

To me, this is charming. Even the ...

faucet. Oh, and the mailbox.

I wish I could tell you the history of this little gem.
I tried, I really did. But I will tell you ...
that I think it was originally a gas station.
I am guessing it was built in ...
the late 1920's or early 1930's?
I do remember it being a flower shop in the 90's.

It looks so tiny and vulnerable from across Main Street.

I fear for it's fate. To be gobbled up by a strip mall?
A little treasure of creativity and originality.

I relate to this.


Seth said...

Wow. Talk about a found object. To me, this is just calling out to be an art studio!!

jacki long said...

Thanks Seth!
I thought you might like it.
It has always felt special to me.

Anonymous said...

diamond in the rough.

Cam Steuart said...

I have noticed this building as well when we have been down. Definitely some grand potential for something.

jacki long said...

It's just around the corner from Byron's office. ;o)
I am so glad that you like it too. And thanks for commenting. ;lD

jacki long said...

Yes, definitely "diamond"in the very rough!
Probably nothing can pass code. But it is so special.
Thanks for commenting!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to you Jacki a lot of people might see this little landmark with a whole lot more flair. Moby and I never pass by without making up stories about it.
XOXO Brandy

jacki long said...

Thanks for commenting Brandy!
I love that little place and would love to see it fixed up and used. I doubt if anything would pass code, as is?
Seth Apter suggested it as an artist studio!