Monday, January 4, 2016

Day 1257: Done till 2017!

Pacific Check, photo, collage & digital

It's called Kangeiko, explained here.
This year it happened Sunday, January 3, 2016
Starting with an alarm for 4:20 AM.

Dark and no traffic, I am on my way to Huntington Beach.

49 degrees,  not as cold as expected. 

Once at on the beach, in the dark, staying near the fire ...

 as long as possible.

 Meet Jianna, 16 year old CM high school cheerleader, 
a red belt jr. & green belt adult up early & smiling that smile,
 ready to work out. 

photo by Monica Lopez

photo by Monica Lopez

Running, warm-ups and kata were done in the dark.

As the sun was rising Demura Sensei gave directions for games.

Working in teams of four to capture an opponent's cap ...

exercise, team work ...

competition ...

 and Sumo.

Lots of smiles, camaraderie ...

photo by Emily Lin

and fun.

photo by Emily Lin

Finishing the work out with seiza, 
traditional meditative opening and closure of each class.
A smaller group of 57 dedicated students for 2016.
Afterwards, some of us return to the ocean

Costa Mesa Dojo, photo by Monica Lopez

photo by Emily Lin
to do kata in the water, this day 27 katas.

photo by Emily Lin

The waves were stronger. 
We had a sea lion swimming 20 yards off
who seem interested in our activities. 
At one point a line of birds flew formation 
over the waves parallel to the beach, looking awesome.
And after our training, I noticed a seagull convention. 


So many have asked why I willingly do this?
Partly, there is something good about doing what is difficult.
And, I am thankful that I am healthy enough 
to start my new year in this traditional manner.
I am thankful to train with our Demura Sensei.
I am thankful to be a part of this Karate family.
And, I am thankful that it only happens once a year.

One more "afterwards" ... some of us go out to eat.

A smile for Monday ...

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